Health services

Student Health and Nursing Services

School Nurse: Ben Swartsel, RN


We value the health and fitness of all our students and staff. Our school health program aims to assure students are healthy, safe and ready to learn, while connecting students and their families to health resources in the community.


How to Contact Your School Nurse

Call: 509-422-7704


Keep Your School Nurse Informed

Student health information forms are required to be completed by parents each year.  In addition, keep your school nurse updated on your student’s health status, such as surgeries, medications, illnesses/diseases, new diagnoses or other conditions that may affect your student’s school performance. Please print and fill out the form below. You may mail it or bring it to the school office once it has been completed.

Student Health Conditions

Students with potentially life-threatening health conditions require an Emergency Care Plan (ECP) to be in place BEFORE they may attend school. If your student has any of the following conditions, please call the school office to arrange a time to speak to the school nurse. 

  • Asthma
  • Seizures 
  • Anaphylaxis(allergy requiring epi-pen)
  • Diabetes 
  • Heart Condition

Medications at School

  1. A Medication Authorization form completed and signed by your health care provider and parent/guardian that tells us how the medication is to be given. Your doctor’s office may have the form or you can download & print one here:
  1. The medication must be clearly marked:
  • in its original container 
  • with the student’s name 
  • the dose
  • the time the medication should be given
  1. The medication must be brought to school by the parent or other responsible adult.


  1. Washington state requires immunizations for school attendance. Please visit DOH’s website for the requirements.
  2. Parents are asked to fill out a Certificate of Immunization Status when they register their child for school. When your student receives additional immunizations, please ask your doctor’s office to fax a copy of the record to school and let your school nurse know.
  3. Exemptions—School registration and attendance are contingent upon either adequate immunization or a parent signed exemption. If you are choosing to exempt your student from the required immunization schedule, please request your health care provider sign, then bring this form to the school office:

Communicable Disease

When an outbreak of a communicable disease (such as chickenpox, measles, etc.) occurs among staff or students, the school nurse consults with Colville Tribal Health and Human Services, who will take the lead on containment and make the plan on how the school will manage the outbreak. If your student has not been fully immunized, they may be excluded from school for up to 21 days.

Some guidelines on when to keep your student home:

  • Fever—a temperature at or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea—watery or loose stools.
  • Coughing—or having any sort of breathing trouble. Coughing spreads infection.
  • Rash—check with your doctor to determine whether the rash is contagious before sending your child to school.
  • Lethargic—a child who is difficult to wake, needs to see a doctor.

24 Hour Rule

  • Fever: Keep your child home until their FEVER has been gone WITHOUT medicine for 24 hours.
  • Vomiting or Diarrhea: Keep your child home for 24 hours after the LAST time they have vomited or had diarrhea and are eating a normal diet.
  • Antibiotics: Keep your child home at least 24 hours after the FIRST dose of antibiotic.

Vision and Hearing Screening

Student in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 are screened yearly

  • A referral form is sent to parents for students who do not pass. the referral indicates the screen results with recommendations for follow up.
  • Students may be referred to their school nurse for individual screening by a parent or teacher
  • The screening done at school is just that - screens - they are NOT exams.  Students should be examined by an eye professional at least every two years during school age regardless of the school vision screen results.
  • parents needing assistance for professional eye examination may contact the school nurse