Student Services Team

Mission Statement:

 To provide comprehensive school, and mental health services by creating awareness and enhancing students’ academic, personal, mental health, social, career and post high school success.

Vision Statement:

The student services team vision aligns with PSIS vision “to prepare our children to be speakers of our languages guardians of your culture and leaders of our future.”

The role of the student services team:

Katie Walker, School Counselor is qualified to assist all students in reaching their academic, social, personal and career goals. They are able to reach all students at their developmental level through a comprehensive counseling program. Addressing these goals and aligning them with the vision statement of PSIS. 

Cindy Jayne, Residential Mental Health Professional is qualified to provide crisis response, individual, group, family mental health counselling to address trauma and other related mental health challenges that affect learning and student residential living.

Katie Walker School Counselor


Cindy Jayne - MHP


PSIS Mental Health Professional 

Michelle Matt Family Liaison


Della Peters - Behavior Specialists